To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Brive Film Festival, we have created a special retrospective of 20 great medium-length films from the history of cinema that have never been screened before in Brive. A look at the past that highlights the extraordinary artistic heritage of medium-length films by situating it in the present time.
Three thematic axes structure the selection: Stories of brief encounters, amorous or not, which define the space between the self and the other in a delimited temporal dimension; Dreams, visions, hallucinations, horrific or visionary deformations which question subjective perception; Glances from the world, geographical and linguistic explorations between (auto)fiction, documentary and essay which amplify the notions of reality.
Tuesday, April 4 – 5:30 pm

La Passagère by Andrzej Munk
1963 / Poland / Fiction / 59’
Tuesday, April 4 – 7 pm

The Amusement Park by George A. Romero
1973 / USA / Fiction / 56’
Tuesday, April 4 – 9 pm

A Praga by José Mojica Marins
1980 / Brazil / Fiction / 50’

A Ultima Praga de Mojica de Cédric Fanti, Pedro Junqueira, Eugenio Puppo, Matheus Sundfeld
2021 / Brazil / Documentary / 17’
Wednesday, April 5 – 5 pm

Ma première brasse by Luc Moullet
1980 / France / Documentary / 43’

Vacanze in Val Trebbia by Marco Bellocchio
1979 / Italia / Fiction / 50’
Wednesday, April 5 – 7 pm

Le Père by Claude Chabrol
1973 / France / Documentary / 36’

Parlons grand-mère by Djibril Diop Mambéty
1989 / Senegal / Documentary / 34’
Wednesday, April 5 – 9 pm

The Insomniac by Rodney Giesler
1971 / UK / Fiction / 45’

Dementia by John Parker
1955 / USA / Fiction / 54’
Thursday, April 6 – 2 pm

Les Pirates de Bubuan by Shohei Imamura
1972 / Japan / Documentary / 46’

The Rope by Ibrahim Shaddad
1984 / Soudan / Fiction / 32’
Thursday, April 6 – 3:45 pm

À toute allure by Robert Kramer
1981 / France / Fiction / 60’

Thursday, April 6 – 5 pm

Une Ville d’amour et d‘espoir by Oshima
1959 / Japan / Fiction / 62’
Thursday, April 6 – 6:30 pm

Ofelia by Kira Muratova
1997 / Ukraine, Russia / Fiction / 54’

You Are Not I by Sara Driver
1981 / USA / Fiction / 48’
Friday, April 7 – 2 pm

Geneviève by Michel Brault
1964 / Canada / Fiction / 29’

The Last Day of Summer by Tadeusz Konwicki
1958 / Poland / Fiction / 59’
Friday, April 6 – 4 pm

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Lawrence Jordan
1977 / USA / Animation / 42’

Elegy of a Voyage by Aleksander Sokurov
2011 / France, Netherlands / Fiction / 48’
Friday, April 7 – 6 pm

L’Homme à la valise by Chantal Akerman
1984 / France / Documentary / 60’